You Don’t Read as Many Books as You Think You Do

The average bookworm only spends fifteen minutes a day reading.

Emmarie Hodge
8 min readFeb 24, 2021
An old man reading a book in a home library
Image by Free-Photos of Pixabay

If you’re reading this article, there’s a good chance you consider yourself a “bookworm.” You probably have a stack of books piled somewhere in your home or even a bookshelf or two. You may even prefer to read e-books or online texts.

Either way, you have access to a lot of reading material.

But you probably haven’t read it all, and if you were honest with yourself… there’s a good chance you never will. It’s practically a badge of honor to have a home full of books even if you’ve never cracked a spine.

There’s a common saying that you judge a person by the books they have in their home. So for a lot of self-described bookworms, it’s important to look the part because a reader appears intelligent to everyone else, and everyone likes to look intelligent. Especially bookworms.

But do you act the part? Are you a reader who actually picks up a book and reads or do you just pretend to because that’s become your identity?

The Data Hurts

The truth is that reading takes a lot of time. The average book has about 90,000 words and the average adult reading speed is 200 words per minute. That means it takes…



Emmarie Hodge

I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium 🔮 Check out me out elsewhere on the web: